Sports Physiology

Sports Physiology is a specialised area within the field of exercise physiology involving the application of sport specific scientific principles and research. The SASI Sports Physiologists are specialised health professionals who provide objective training recommendations and information to Coaches and Athletes with the aim of maximising athletic potential.

Key aspects of the SASI Sports Physiologists' role are to:

  • assist coaches and athletes in maximising fitness outcomes and designing competition performance;
  • monitor acute responses and long-term adaptations to training to optimise individual athlete performance and recovery;
  • utilise technologies to provide novel insight into performance execution and response to stress;
  • leverage novel modalities such as environmental stress to target specific physiological adaptations and enhance training adaptations;
  • collaborate with other allied professionals to provide a holistic approach to athlete development;
  • provide advice about sports science innovations;
  • conduct applied research to enhance scientific knowledge of sporting performance.
Eight women rowing in Australian uniform

Working as a tight-knit team, and working closely with athletes, our internal support staff are an invaluable part of our athletes’ success.